Current Openings
Current Opening available for 24+ months old.
Child must be at least 24 months old to enroll.
As the year moves along, families may move away or kids move on to school (usually summer/fall) which may open up a spot.
Please contact us by following the instructions below. All openings are full time only & we only enroll children who are fully immunized appropriate for their age.
Toddler Wait List
Please email us to get more information including fees. All enrollment is full time only. Click on the link below and fill out the form to be added to the wait list.
Our email: littlesunshinehd@gmail.com
Wait List link:
Infant Wait List
Please email us to get more information including fees. All enrollment is full time only. Click on the link below and fill out the form to be added to the wait list.
Our email: littlesunshinehd@gmail.com
Wait List link:
6+ months old is $2,509 monthly ($579 weekly) per child.
12+ months old is $2,379 monthly ($549 weekly) per child.
No infant openings available. Contact us by email & fill out the wait list form.
This date may change suddenly because we give preference to current families.
This page is updated as openings become available.
Additional Openings
Find possible toddler openings (24+ months old) at our sister daycare in the Santa Clara/West San Jose area. Located near Lawrence Expressway and Stevens Creek Blvd. Provider has been an elementary school teacher for the past 10 years. Ready, Set, Grow Home Daycare https://readysetgrowhomedaycare.shutterfly.com/