*Please do not print. The actual contract is in a different format. You will receive a PDF document to fill out & sign.
Home Daycare Contract
Little Sunshine Home Daycare hours are Monday to Friday from 8:00am to 5:30pm. Please specify the exact hours your child will be attending, for example: Monday 9:00am to 5:00pm.
My child ______________________ will be attending Little Sunshine Home Daycare on the following weekly schedule:
Monday _______ to _______ Thursday _______ to _______
Tuesday _______ to _______ Friday _______ to _______
Wednesday _______ to _______
The daycare fees are: $_______ per week ($______ monthly). There will be a 3% rate increase every August 1st. Your rate is based on child’s age at time of contract and does not go down as child gets older.
Payment is due on the last day of the month for the following month of daycare. Payment is required in advance, no exceptions (see “Late Fees” in Daycare Policies). Nonpayment will result in the child not being admitted into daycare, the loss of your daycare spot and loss of deposit.
Payment can be made by bank transfer, check or cash. Please make your check payable to Little Sunshine Home Daycare. A $65.00 fee will be charged on returned checks plus any additional bank fees.
There is a charge of $5.00 for every minute you are late picking up your child, to be paid in full at time of pick up in cash or bank/electronic transfer. If payment cannot be made at pick up, it is due the following morning.
All children enter daycare on a trial basis of six weeks to ensure a proper match between the child/family and the daycare. Policies and fees are subject to change with written (email) notice.
A deposit of one month’s rate is required to hold an opening. Deposit will not be credited back if the parent(s)/guardian(s) fail to start on the “START DATE”, don’t give proper withdrawal notice or break policy/contract. Parent(s)/Guardian(s) agree to remain in contract for a minimum of 3 months. Daycare provider can terminate contract at any time with or without cause.
I have received, read and understood the above terms and those of the Daycare Contract & Daycare Policies. I agree to comply with all of these terms and policies. The undersigned parent/guardian is financially responsible for all payments and fees to the daycare provider.
_____________________________ _______ _________________________ ______
Parent/Guardian’s Signature Date Provider’s Signature Date
Daycare Policies
The following is a parent/guardian & provider contract and policies packet. To avoid any misunderstandings regarding the care of your child and what is expected, the parent(s)/guardian(s) are to thoroughly read and understand these policies. The provider may change any part of the contract and policies packet by written (via email) notice.
Children are to be brought into daycare “ready”. This means the child is to be appropriately dressed (proper clothing for outside weather including shoes), wearing a clean diaper and fed unless arriving right before a mealtime. Make sure to sign your child in & out of daycare.
Daycare will be available Monday through Friday from 8:00am to 5:30pm (excluding days the daycare is closed). Please discuss needs for care outside these times with the provider and if available, she will attempt to accommodate reasonable requests at an additional fee.
Daycare rates (per child) are as follows:
The daycare fees are: $_______ per week ($______ monthly). There will be a 3% rate increase every August 1st. Your rate is based on child’s age at time of contract and does not go down as child gets older.
Payment will be made in full for contracted time whether or not the child actually attends. This includes times when the child is sick, child is on vacation, provider’s holidays & vacation, sick days and any other times daycare has to be closed (i.e. power outage, water shut off, emergency situation, etc.). Payment is preferred via electronic payment, cash and checks will also be accepted. You will receive a receipt via email every time your payment has cleared. Monthly payments are due by the last day of the month (30th/31st ) for the following month of daycare. If you will not be present when payment is due, payment must be made ahead of time; this also applies to vacations or any time the daycare is closed.
Late Fees will apply to all late payments, late pickups & early arrivals. Please make your payments on time, a $25.00 per day charge (including weekends) will be applied to late payments and cannot go beyond the Monday morning of the following week. Nonpayment by Monday morning will result in the child not being admitted into daycare, the loss of your daycare spot and loss of deposit. The parent(s)/guardian(s) will run the risk of their daycare spot being filled by another family.
Please drop-off and pick up your child on time. As stated in this contract, the daycare opens at 8:00am. Please do not arrive early; the door will not be answered before 8:00am. If there is a special circumstance when the parent(s)/guardian(s) need to drop-off the child before 8:00am it must be arranged ahead of time with the provider and there will be an extra charge. It is also important that children are picked up on time. There is a charge of $5.00 for every minute a child is not picked up on time, to be paid in full at time of pick up in cash or bank/electronic transfer. If payment cannot be made at pick up, it is due the following morning.
Please plan on leaving work with enough time to pick up your child before 5:30pm. The daycare closes at 5:30pm, this means there should not be any children still at daycare at 5:30pm not that you arrive to pick up your child at 5:30pm. There will be a charge of $5.00 for every minute a child is picked up late. Late pick up will be counted from 5:30pm to the time the child & parent/guardian are out the door.
So that there are no misunderstandings, all times for drop off, pick up, signing in, signing out and late fees are based on the digital atomic clock by the “Sign In Sheet”.
There will be a registration fee of $50.00 for all children starting daycare. A child cannot start daycare until all paperwork has been properly filled out and reviewed by the daycare provider and all fees have been paid.
Security/Holding Deposit
A deposit of one month’s rate is required to hold an opening/spot for each child before attending daycare. Deposit will not be refunded if the parent(s)/guardian(s) (a) fail to start on the “START DATE”, (b) don’t give proper withdrawal notice or (c) break policy/contract. Before your child is admitted into daycare, or to hold a future spot, a security deposit must be paid. This deposit will be refunded as long as your account is up to date and 30 day written notice has been given. The 30 day notice will only be accepted in writing by filling out and signing the “30 Day Notice” form provided by the daycare. The deposit will not be refunded if 30 days notice is not given, no exceptions will be made.
If a family gives less than a 30 day notice, they are still required to fill out the “30 Day Notice” form. The form will specify how much of a notice is being given by the parent(s)/guardian(s) to the daycare provider. By not giving a full 30 days of notice, the parent(s)/guardian(s) forfeit their deposit, no exceptions will be made. Once the 30 day notice form has been given, the opening/spot will be considered available for another family, no exceptions. If after giving the 30 day notice, the parent(s)/guardian(s) decide they want their child to attend daycare for an additional time past the last day, they must talk to the provider to see if this will be allowed. It is up to the discretion of the daycare provider to allow additional daycare past the last day of the 30 day notice. The daycare usually keeps a wait list and contacts families on the wait list once a 30 day notice has been given. The provider may already have spoken to or enrolled another family and may not be able to accommodate additional days after the 30 day notice is complete.
All children enter daycare on a trial basis of six weeks to ensure a proper match between the child/family and the daycare. The first 6 weeks are to be an adjustment period. The provider will let the parent/guardian know if the arrangement is unsatisfactory for any reason. It is the parent’s/guardian’s responsibility to let the provider know the same. The parent/guardian or provider may terminate the contract anytime during the trial period. If the contract is terminated during the trial period by either parent/guardian or provider, the deposit will not be returned.
A 30 days written notice is required by the parent to the provider for termination of the contract and daycare. The deposit will be refunded as long as the account is up to date and proper notice has been given.
If the provider can no longer care for the child, 2 weeks written (email) notice will be given to the parent/guardian. The provider will terminate the contract immediately without notice for any of the following reasons (but not solely limited to):
*Failure to comply with the contract
*Failure to comply with the policy packet
*Destructive or hurtful behavior of child that persists with or without parent cooperation in stopping the behavior
*Non-Payment of childcare fees or late and/or recurring late payment fees or recurring late pickups
*Failure to show up for 5 days in a row without any communication
*Failure to complete required forms
*Inability to meet the child’s needs without additional staff
*Perceived disrespect towards provider, provider’s family or staff
*If parents knowingly bring their child to daycare ill
I realize your need for reliable daycare and will attempt to give as much notice as possible whenever I must close the daycare for any reason. The following are the paid holidays & paid vacation times when the daycare will be closed.
The paid vacation will be taken 2 weeks (10 days) at the end of the year and 2 weeks during summer. The holiday dates will be shown on the "Daycare Scheduled Days Closed" sheet. The provider will give parents at least one month advanced notice of provider’s summer vacation and winter vacation dates. Updated holiday/vacation lists will be emailed to parents each year.
Dates for 2022:
New Year’s Day: January 3rd
Martin Luther King Jr. Day: January 17th
President’s Day: February 21st
Memorial Day: May 30th
Juneteenth: June 19th
Independence Day: July 4th, 5th
Summer Vacation Dates: 10 days TBD (Summer vacation changes each year)
Labor Day: September 5th
Veterans Day: November 11th
Thanksgiving: November 23rd, 24th, 25th,
Winter Vacation Dates: Dec. 19th - 30th
New Year's Day 2023: January 2nd
Daycare will reopen on Tuesday, January 3, 2023
Updated holiday/vacation lists will be emailed to parents each year.
The weekly or monthly payment will include payment for all holidays and vacations (including all days shown above). When the provider takes her personal vacation, it is the parents’ responsibility to find alternate care at the parents’ expense. Parents will not pay the provider if she takes additional vacation aside from what is already shown above. The provider will give parents as much notice as possible if daycare has to be closed for any reason.
Child’s Family Vacation
The parents are to give the provider at least two weeks’ notice when leaving for vacation. The regular weekly amount will be charged for any time the child is gone in order to hold the child’s space/spot in daycare. Payment is due as usual or before the child’s family vacation.
Sick Days/Personal Days
Working with exposure to many families and especially children, it is expected that the provider will become ill occasionally. The provider reserves the option to take up to five (5) paid sick days per calendar year. The provider will not take these days unless she and/or her staff are genuinely sick and will always attempt to give as much notice as possible when she is forced to close the daycare. Parents are responsible for finding and paying for alternative childcare services. A substitute adult will be arranged for during the time the provider must tend to personal business away from the daycare unless there are two providers present (as required by daycare licensing). If a replacement is not available, the provider will take the time as a sick day.
Parents must notify the provider via text message by 8:00am if the child will not be attending daycare.
Under no circumstances should you bring your child to daycare sick (fever of 99.8°F or higher, vomiting, diarrhea, sore throat, continuous coughing, runny nose other than clear, draining eyes or ears, unexplained rash, lice, etc.) If you are not sure your child is well enough to attend childcare call and discuss it with the daycare provider.
Masking your child’s symptoms with over-the-counter medications and bringing them to care ill is not allowed and is grounds for immediate termination. It is also inconsiderate to all families involved. A sick child should be allowed to recuperate fully at home after an illness so that the other children and the providers do not risk unnecessary exposure. If you are unable to stay home with your sick child, it will be necessary for you to make arrangements at your own expense. If your child is out ill, regular fees still apply.
Your child may be brought to care if they have a common cold (which means a slight cough, clear runny nose, sneezing); however, the parent/guardian will be called to pick up their child if the child is just plain miserable (whining, crying, repeatedly asking for parent/guardian). A child should not attend daycare if they are not feeling well enough to participate in the daily activities (i.e. a child wanting to sleep all day, laying on the floor, etc.)
Any child that exhibits any of the following symptoms will not be admitted into daycare:
Fever (99.8°F +) – child needs to be fever free for 24 hours without the aid of medication
Diarrhea – child must be symptom free for 48 hours without the aid of medication
Vomiting – child must be symptom free for 24 hours without the aid of medication
Conjunctivitis (pink eye) – child must take antibiotics for 24 hours before returning
Staph Infection – child must take antibiotics for 48 hours before returning
Hand, foot & mouth disease – blisters must be completely dry (scabbed) before returning
Runny nose with colored discharge –check with doctor
Rash – check with doctor
Discharge from eyes or ears – check with doctor
Lice – child needs to be treated and nits removed before return
Communicable diseases (chicken pox, measles, mumps, influenza, etc.)- check with doctor
The child will not be allowed to return to daycare until accompanied by a signed note from the child’s doctor and the child is well enough to resume normal childcare activities. This is necessary to prevent the unnecessary infection of the other children in daycare. Always make contact with the provider before returning to daycare. Although it may seem inconvenient when your child is sent home, you will appreciate knowing your child’s exposure is minimized when other children become ill. Children will not return to daycare while still contagious. Antibiotics need to be given for a full 24, 48 or 72 hours (depending on illness) before returning to daycare. Provider will let the parent/guardian know the amount of time based on the illness. Parent/Guardian must check with provider before bringing child back to daycare even if the doctor says the child can return. We will be following our own policies primarily based on the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) not the opinion of each individual doctor. The daycare will be looking out for the well being of all the children & staff not just one child/family.
If a child or staff member develops a highly contagious disease (staph infection, hand-foot & mouth disease, lice, covid-19, etc.) the daycare will have to close for at least a day in order to fully clean all toys and surfaces so that the disease is not spread to the rest of the daycare children & staff. There may also be necessary testing before returning to daycare such as in the case of covid-19, flu, RSV, etc. Unfortunately there can not be much notice given for these situations. Parents will be responsible for finding alternate care at their own expense.
The provider has the right to refuse to care for a sick child. If your child develops any of the above or other symptoms while in daycare, the parent/guardian will be required to pick up the child immediately. If the child is not picked up within 30 minutes of the provider contacting the parent/guardian a $20.00 for every 5 minutes or portion thereof charge, will be assessed. When a child is sent home for any reason, they cannot return to daycare the next day. If the provider has to call a parent to pick up a child that has been dropped off for care too ill to participate in the daily activities, the child will also be required to stay at home the following day. Your child may return to care 24 hours – 48 hours AFTER symptoms of illness end. This means if your child is sent home with a fever, vomiting, etc. they cannot return to daycare until they have been symptom free for 24 hours without the aid of medications or 48 hours without the aid of medications in the case of diarrhea. These guidelines will be closely followed, no exceptions will be made. I understand your need to be at work, but your cooperation is extremely important on this.
In case of illness, it is the responsibility of the parents to contact a doctor. In a medical emergency, first aid and medical help will be secured, subsequently the parent/guardian will be contacted. The provider will treat the child for minor scrapes and scratches with band-aids. A signed authorization form is required for all medicine administered to a child in daycare.
Medical Emergencies
Immediate first aid will be given. The provider will call 911 and the provider will do as recommended by the 911 operator until paramedics arrive. Parents will be notified as soon as possible. If parents cannot be reached someone else on the child’s emergency card will be notified. Parents are responsible for any expenses incurred as a result of emergency room care, ambulance, or any other charges.
First Aid Procedures
First aid will be in accordance with the Red Cross, American Heart Association first aid and poison control center. A complete first aid kit, ice packs and emergency numbers for each child will be kept in the daycare at all times.
The provider will not dispense any medication to a child including over the counter medicine. If the child requires medication or over the counter medicine, the parent may discuss this with the provider. The provider reserved the right to refuse to administer medication or over the counter medicine. In this case, the parent must arrange to come to the daycare to administer the medication or over the counter medicine to their child. All medication & over the counter medicine must be accompanied by the Permission to Administer Form signed by the parent. All medication & over the counter medicine must be in the original, labeled container.
For the safety of all children in the daycare, all children must have all immunizations & doses appropriate for their age in accordance with the California School Immunization Law which can be found on the California Department of Public Health website. Records must be kept current at all times. No exceptions will be made.
It is the parent’s responsibility to keep all records, phone numbers, etc. current.
Meals & Snacks
The daycare will provide breakfast, lunch and snacks for all children over 1 year who can eat solid foods. All foods will be cut into a safe size for the child to consume. The daycare will not provide formula, baby cereal, baby food or special diets. Children may always have seconds upon request, and no child will be forced to eat anything. Children will eat when they are hungry, and will get all of the nutrients they need when consistently presented with a variety of healthy choices. If you are concerned with your child’s eating habits, please consult your pediatrician.
Discipline/Behavioral Goals
While in daycare, positive encouragement is enforced. Children will not be subject to verbal, emotional, or physical punishment. The provider believes the most effective ways of enforcing positive behaviors are: Praise, Respect, Re-Direction, and Positive Re-Enforcement. The provider uses strategies to engage children in their own problem solving. During conflict it is important for children to feel respected, secure, loved, important and special. They need to know the provider and staff are always available to listen and help, not to judge. The goal is to coach the children so they can negotiate, compromise, brainstorm and work it out together.
If something of a more serious nature or a persistent behavior should occur that is of concern to the provider or a threat to the safety of others, the provider will need to discuss it with the parent/guardian so that jointly a course of action that is followed at home and in daycare can be agreed upon. If the problem cannot be resolved arrangements must be made for the child to receive care elsewhere.
Potty Training
The provider will assist in potty training with the understanding that it will also be worked on at home. Children are ready at their own pace and will not be forced to use the potty if they are not comfortable doing so. Clothing should be easy to manage to encourage self-help skills. Buckles, belts, overalls, body suits and suspenders when in a hurry to use the bathroom may create a problem. It is required that each potty training child have pull ups while training. Please do not send your child to daycare wearing only cloth underwear while they are still learning. Remember that potty training takes time and that the child has to be ready. Extra changes of clothing are also necessary, including socks.
Nap Time
Infants will be offered a morning nap, generally around 9:00am or as needed. Older children will be offered an afternoon nap after lunch, from approximately 1:00 to 4:00pm (depending on child). All children will be expected to at least rest quietly during this time so that the children
who need to sleep can do so. All bedding and linens will be provided. For safety, children who sleep in a crib or playpen cannot use blankets, loveys or toys during nap; they can use a sleep sack (wearable blanket) and a pacifier. Each child will have their own regular sleeping space such as a crib, playpen or tot cot, and each child’s linens will be washed each weekend or more if needed.
Open Door Policy
While your child is in daycare, you can always be assured that the door is open to you. For the safety of the children and provider, doors are kept locked. Please feel free to drop in and check on your child, however, keep in mind a child adjusting to a new surrounding will want to leave with you if you pop in for a visit. The daycare appreciates your taking into consideration the schedule when dropping in or calling and remember that visitors usually cause children to react in an excited manner. Please keep in mind there may be times when it is not possible for the provider to run to the phone (diaper changing, bottle feeding, etc.) If the phone goes unanswered, please do not become alarmed, simply leave a voice mail or text message and the provider will respond as soon as she is able. Please limit your visit to 15 minutes so that the children can get back to what they were doing without being interrupted. Also please do not visit during nap time (1:00-4:00pm) because this may cause the children to be woken up. Parents are responsible for their children while visiting; the provider will not be responsible for the child while a parent is present at the daycare.
Stranger Pick up
If anyone other than the parents/guardians are to ever pick up the child from daycare, they must be listed on the appropriate form & show ID, otherwise the child will not be released to that person. No exceptions.
Children should wear clean, appropriate clothing suitable for play. Please keep in mind that the child’s clothing may become dirty or stained by food or materials used. There must be 3 full sets of clothing (including socks) to remain at the daycare at all times. Please bring a warm enough jacket (to be kept at daycare) because the children will go outside to play. When the weather is warm, make sure your child brings appropriate clothing. Please make sure that all shoes are closed toe, no open toe shoes please.
Things to Bring
Infants: diapers, wipes, diaper rash ointment, formula, bottles, pacifier, 6 changes of clothes, and anything else you think your child needs. Please only bring 1 sleeve of diapers & 2 packs of wipes. We do not have space to store a full box of diapers.
Toddlers: diapers, pull-ups, wipes, diaper rash ointment, 2 sippy cups (if child can’t use the Klean Kanteen Sippy cups provided by daycare), 3 changes of clothes and anything else you think your child needs. Please only bring 1 sleeve of diapers/pull-ups & 2 packs of wipes. We do not have space to store a full box of diapers/pull-ups.
Things Not to Bring
The daycare has a lot of toys for the children so please do not allow your child to bring any toys from home. Please do not send your child with any candy, sweets or other junk food. Please make sure your child doesn’t bring anything that may be a choke hazard to young children such as small toys in their pockets or jewelry.
Holiday Celebrations/Activities
The daycare will do activities & crafts related to holidays. We will also celebrate holidays & birthdays throughout the year. All holiday celebrations, activities & crafts will be observed in a secular manner. For example, for Easter it’s baby animals & eggs and for Christmas it’s snowmen, Christmas tree, gingerbread men, etc.
Throughout the child’s stay at daycare, the provider will take pictures and/or video of the children. The photos may be used in daycare advertisements on the internet or otherwise but will not show the child’s face. Photos (with faces) may be put up in the daycare. The provider will also use photos/videos to capture moments she feels the parents may want to see. These will be shared with parents via text, email, social media or printed photo.
The provider will not be held responsible for pictures/video taken and or distributed by others on the internet or by any other means. For example: another parent taking a group picture and posting it on social media such as Facebook.
Please remove your shoes and your child's shoes before entering daycare. The children are on the floor a lot and we want to keep the floors as clean as possible. We do not want dirt/mud/etc. tracked inside. Please do not step on the carpet with shoes on and do not allow your child to step on the carpet with shoes on either. When it is raining, please step inside on the mat or towel provided.
Please park on the street, do not block the driveway or neighbors’ driveways during drop off or pick up. Be mindful that several parents may be doing drop off/pick up at the same time, give yourself enough time to find parking and pick up your child on time.
After Hours
We are licensed to operate from 8:00am to 5:30pm. This means there should not be any parents or children on the premises after 5:30pm not that you arrive to pick up your child at 5:30pm. A late fee will be assessed for return trips for diaper changes, Band-Aids, and bathroom use - please plan accordingly. There will be a charge of $5.00 for every minute a child is picked up late. Late pick up will be counted from 5:30pm to the time the child & parent/guardian are out the door. Please be mindful that we also have our own families to tend to once daycare is closed. We all have our own evening routines and every minute I or anyone on staff stays late waiting for a child to be picked up or answering questions is time taken away from our families. I am glad to answer any questions about your child or the daycare in person – again please plan ahead so that you can still make the 5:30pm pickup time.
Rate & Policy Changes
When there is a policy change, the new policy will be effective immediately. Contract/Policy changes may require a new contract to be filed out by the parent/guardian. New contracts will reflect the current daycare rate, but that rate will not apply to currently attending children. The daycare rate for any currently attending child will remain the same as in their original contract plus the annual 3% rate increase. Any new child from an existing or previously attending family will be charged at the current rate. We do raise rates to keep up with cost of living, wages, etc. If there is a rate increase, the provider will give parents at least a 4 week notice.
Written Notice must be given to the provider by the parent and vice versa, sent via e-mail. All correspondence to the provider is to be sent to littlesunshinehd@gmail.com All correspondence to the parent is to be sent to the e-mail provided by the parent. It is the parent’s responsibility to check the parent information board daily and to check their child’s cubby daily for any new information.
START DATE: Date child will start daycare:______________________________
I/We have received, read and understood all twelve (12) pages of the preceding terms and conditions of the Contract and Daycare Policy packet. I/We agree to comply with all of these terms and policies. Only the signature of one parent is required, both preferred.
________________________________________ ____________
Parent’s Signature Date
Parent correspondence e-mail address
*Please do not print. The actual contract is in a different format. You will receive a PDF document to fill out & sign.